Monday, December 27, 2021


Update, May 14h 2022

In order to protect you and to ensure the continuity of our team's presence to take care of your little companions, we still want to take certain precautions, even though the masks tend to fall off. Here are the measures that we preserve:

1.   Hand washing is still required and distancing will be respected.

2.   Only one person will be allowed to accompany their animal in the consultation room.

3.   For euthanasia, two people may be present.

4.   As masks are not mandatory, we will respect the choice of each person to wear them or not. On our side, we will make sure to take the necessary measures so that our personnel can be protected.

It will be a pleasure for us to receive you in a more cordial context. We appreciate your understanding for the measures we are maintaining. It remains important that our team remains present for the well-being of your little ones.

The Rosemere Veterinary Clinic team

Monday, January 13, 2020

Happy new year!

From all of us at the Rosemere Veterinary Clinic, we wish you a happy and healthy new year!

We are happy to announce that we are starting off a new decade with a new member of our family. Doctor Nathalie Bousquet has taken over ownership from Doctor Joanne Corbeil as of January 1st 2020.

She will proudly join Doctor Hélène Corbeil and Doctor Caroline Gagnon and together they will remain devoted to the health and well being of your precious four legged family members.

We want to thank Doctor Joanne Corbeil for her numerous years of dedication. She invested her heart and soul to ensure that we were able to offer optimal care for your loved ones.

Several upcoming events will be on our agenda so we encourage you to follow us on Facebook and to be attentive of future publicity.

We look forward to meeting you with your little ones!

May health be there for 2020!

The entire team at the Rosemere Veterinary Clinic.

Friday, October 19, 2018

Cannabis and Veterinary Medicine

The legislation on cannabis consumption obliges us, as veterinary practitioners, to evaluate and answer two questions.


The possibility of medicinal cannabis in veterinary medicine has peaked interest in the veterinary profession as well as pet owners. In human medicine, cannabis has been used as an antibacterial, antioxidant, a treatment for anxiety, pain control, nausea and vomiting. It has therefore been prescribed for certain cancers, during chemotherapy, for arthritis, epilepsy and intestinal inflammatory disease.

To assume that cannabis can be prescribed for animals, for the same conditions, and to obtain the same effects, is to early to conclude. We can certainly not presume that studies done in human pharmacology will be admissive for animal medicine.

In veterinary medicine, we know that some medications that are efficient for one species do not work on others. For example, a specific molecule will not be adequate at the same dose for cat and a dog. We must also remember that certain human medications that are prescribed on a long term basis, such as acetaminophen, can severely harm your dog and cat to the extent of death.

To obtain approbation or approval of a molecule from the veterinary medicine counsel, pharmaceutical companies must provide studies of  efficiency and security at specific conditions and doses.

The medicinal use of cannabis has yet to be seriously studied on the efficiency levels in animal treatments. The fact that the substance has been illegal makes it harder to realize and execute factual studies. With the legalisation in Canada, we can now hope that the situation will change and that we will now have objective studies that will support the medicinal usage (or not) for certain conditions at a monitored dose.



In the United States where cannabis has been legal, statistics have shown a rise in intoxication cases.  Accidental consumption, when cannabis is in edible forms such as cookies and muffins, makes overdosing much easier. Even second hand smoke, inhaled within home boundaries will be more prevalent.  However with the legalisation, owners will be more at ease to confide the truth to their veterinarians during the exam of the animal.

The danger of intoxication can also be increased if an owner attempts to `treat` their animal with a home remedy of cannabis, especially if recreation cannabis is used, in which the THC levels are much higher.

As veterinarians, we can only warn owners against such careless actions. Although cannabis intoxication is rarely fatal, it often leads to undesirable symptoms  and puts your animal’s health at risk.

The clinical signs of intoxication are most often neurological;

Loss of balance, confusion, hypersensitivity to normal stimuli, lethargic or even hyperactivity, increased vocalisation, dilated pupils, hyper or hypothermia, loss of conscience, coma and rarely death. Sometimes vomiting can be noted, urinary incontinence, bradycardie or tachycardia (heart rate to slow or to rapid).

Clinical signs can take up to 5-30 minutes to be apparent and can last between 18 and 72 hours. In more severe cases, hospitalisation can be necessary. Depending on the age and state of the animal, complications and health risks are possible.

The legalisation of cannabis has certainly raised a fair amount of inquiries to politicians, policemen, educators and doctors. As veterinarians, we must also get informed to be able to well serve our clients and above all care for our patients.

Sources : 
Veterinary Practice news Canada, vol 1, no 1, sept 2018, 
Le Vétérinarius la revue de l’OMVQ, vol 34, no 4, automne 2018 
Blackwell’s Five minute Consult Clinical Companion: Small Animal Toxicology, second ed. 2016

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


La clinique vétérinaire Rosemère a été fondée en 1986 par les Drs Diane Frank et Normand Plourde.  Rapidement, d'autres vétérinaires et plusieurs employés se sont joints à l'équipe. Dre Hélène Corbeil y a fait son entrée en 1992 et y exerce toujours avec passion et professionnalisme. Janet Lawrence, d'abord réceptionniste de soir puis par la suite le jour, fait maintenant partie de l'équipe de direction en tant qu'administratrice adjointe.

En 1999, Dre Joanne Corbeil fait l'acquisition de la clinique vétérinaire Rosemère et procède à l'agrandissement des locaux.  S'ajoute alors un chenil avec 7 enclos et une salle d'isolation pour les animaux contagieux. Puis en 2006  le premier centre de physiothérapie animale, La Patte Mobile voit le jour et sera en service dans nos locaux jusqu'en 2010.

Lorsque La Patte Mobile est cédée au centre vétérinaire Laval, d'importantes améliorations locatives sont apportées à la clinique.  Trois nouvelles salles de consultation, une salle d'échographie ainsi qu'une nouvelle chatterie, une pharmacie et un bureau y sont aménagés.  L'acquisition d'un appareil à radiographie numérique, d'un échographe et d'un laser thérapeutique fait de la clinique vétérinaire Rosemère une clinique à la fine pointe de la technologie médicale vétérinaire.

Avec les années, les Dres Caroline Gagnon, Julie St-Jean et Julie Carrier ont joint les rangs de notre équipe qui comprend aussi des techniciennes en santé animale, soit Ève Descoteaux qui cumule 8 années de service à la clinique et Mélanie Wheeler nouvellement recrutée.

Notre réceptionniste attentionnée, Sounita Coursol répond en première ligne à notre clientèle depuis maintenant 3 ans. La clinique comprend aussi deux animalières, Lucia Mendez et Sonia Desrosiers qui voient au confort des animaux hospitalisés et à la propreté de la clinique. À l'équipe se joint aussi du personnel temporaire dans le but d'offrir un service toujours optimum.  De plus chaque année nous aimons accueillir des stagiaires étudiants, vétérinaires ou techniciens (nes). Cet été, Jean-Philippe Fontaine, étudiant de 4e année en médecine vétérinaire et Catherine, étudiante de 2e année, ont joint l'équipe pour la période estivale.
Cette année, la réorganisation de la réception nous a permis d'aménager un espace pour une boutique vétérinaire. Ainsi viennent s'ajouter à notre vaste choix de nourritures pour animaux, produits de soins, jouets et accessoires divers.

Fiers de notre enracinement dans la magnifique ville de Rosemère, l'équipe s'efforce de répondre aux besoins des « parents » des petits animaux de la région des Basses-Laurentides, mais aussi de Laval. Enclavé par les villes de Blainville, Lorraine, Laval et Boisbriand, Rosemère se situe au cœur d'une région remplie de petites bêtes à poil, à plume ou encore à 2 ou 4 pattes et même parfois à 3 pattes!

À la clinique vétérinaire Rosemère nous sommes fiers de notre équipe professionnelle et expérimentée.  Les 5 vétérinaires en place cumulent conjointement plus de 75 années d'expérience!  Lorsque vient le temps de poser un diagnostic ou de choisir le traitement le plus approprié, voilà un avantage indéniable.